Graph extensions in SQL Server 2017

We have been talking a bit about graph databases in recent posts.

Data Modelling and Monty Python

What are the advantages of using a graph database?

The rise of the graph databases.

Well, it turns out that also SQL Server jumps on the bandwagon and makes first steps towards graph processing. 

In the first release, the functionality will be a bit limited, but you can write some workaround code for certain types of graph traversals. The functionality of the first release is explained in the FAQ article on the Technet blog.


There are advantages of the SQL Server solution. SQL Server has become an industry standard and one of the main players on the RDBMS market. The graph functionality is implemented as an extension to the existing database technology. The graphs are implemented internally as tables in a database. Apart from obvious advantages, like integrated backups, performance tuning, reporting, high availability etc, the developers will be using the same, well known set of tools and the familiar tSQL language to manipulate the graphs.

You can download a trial version of SQL Server 2017 and try the functionality yourself.

I am very curious how the graph functionality in SQL Server will evolve in the future.

Note - image has been reproduced from the Technet blog page.

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